In the legal profession, managing finances is especially crucial. Not only does the business rely on prudent financial management to maintain operations, but your clients also need you to be a good steward of their money. Understanding various statements is vital to ensure this. In this article, we break down some fundamental law firm financial reports, the information they provide, and how the information benefits your firm.
Financial Statements
The first three reports are financial statements.
1. Income Statement (a.k.a. The P&L / Profit and Loss Statement)
Focus: This statement is the most common report and is the one you likely know best. It shows the firm's revenues, expenses, and profits (or losses) over a defined period.
Usefulness: The P&L is crucial for tracking profitability and idenfying income and expense trends; good for making informed decisions on cost management or revenue generaon.
Review: Monthly or quarterly, to keep a close eye on profitability and operaonal efficiency.
2. Balance Sheet
Focus: The next most common financial statement is “The balance sheet”. It lists assets, liabilies, and equity which, together, show a snapshot of a firm's financial condion at a specific point in me.
Usefulness: The balance sheet helps law firms understand their net worth and financial stability. It can guide decisions on investments, expansion, or debt management.
Review: Quarterly or annually, to track financial health and support strategic planning.
3. Cash Flow Statement
Focus: The least known financial statement is The Cash Flow Statement. Your pracce management soware does not typically feature The Cash Flow Statement, but your bookkeeper can produce one. This statement provides informaon about the firm's cash in and out of the firm over a specific period.
Usefulness: Understanding cash flow is essenal for managing liquidity. It helps law firms ensure they have enough cash to cover obligaons and idenfies when addional cash might be needed.
Review: Monthly (or even weekly!) to maintain a healthy cash balance and avoid liquidity issues.
Non-Financial Reports
The last two are not financial statements, but they are also very important for the law firm owner or stakeholder to be aware of on a scheduled, regular basis.
4. Client Trust Lisng
Focus: A trust lisng report details the funds held in trust for clients. It includes informaon on each client's trust balance and transacons affecng those balances.
Usefulness: For law firms, managing trust accounts accurately is not just good pracce; it's a regulatory requirement. Common things to look out for in your trust lisng include:
a. Negave Trust balance, where a matter trust balance shows that it’s overdrawn, even by a penny!
b. Inactive Trust balances, where there has been no acvity in a parcular mater’s trust account in over 12 months, yet there remains a balance.
c. Nominal Trust balances, where somemes there is a balance in trust of a negligible amount; parcularly if the mater is complete and the file is closed.
Review: Monthly, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and maintain accurate records of client funds.
5. Accounts Receivable (A/R) Report
Focus: This last report lists outstanding invoices and the length of me they have been
outstanding. It typically categorizes receivables by 30, 60, 90, and over 90 days due.
Usefulness: The A/R report is crucial for managing cash flow. It helps law firms idenfy slow-paying clients, assess the effectiveness of their collecon processes, and forecast future cash inflows.
Review: Monthly, to stay on top of collecons and maintain a steady cash flow.
Tip: Wring off any A/R balance that is deemed to be uncollectible at your yearend will help in decreasing your firm’s tax liability.
For law firms, financial statements are not just about numbers; they're a tool for strategic decision-making. By understanding and regularly reviewing these statements, lawyers and law firm managers can ensure their firm's financial health, compliance, and long-term success. Incorporang trust lisngs and A/R reports into your review process adds another layer of insight and ensures compliance. This list is not exhaustive, but it is a good starng point.
Keith Hill Jr. is the Principal at Bookkeeping Matters Inc (BMI). For over a decade, Bookkeeping Matters has been fulfilling bookkeeping needs for lawyers throughout Ontario and other provinces. As a former Legal Accounting professor, Keith has also positioned BMI as a premier provider of online legal accounting training. Specializing in several practice management software, Keith and his team can be contacted at: / 1-800-893-2820 /
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